New TCM TESTS are online now!

Ready, steady, go…! New TCM TESTS are online for you! NOW! These TCM tests were compiled on the basis of more than 30 years of experience by Dr. Petr Hoffmann and are intended for a variety of health problems. All tests are free, anonymous and suitable for any age category. It takes about 15 minutes to complete and you will receive the test result, including the recommended herbal products and diet, immediately after sending. (except for the Test Tongue Analysis, which is evaluated by Dr. Hoffmann, you will receive an answer to your e-mail within a maximum of 3 days). Check them on: .
Which TCM tests do we offer?
This test is intended for everyone who wants to be treated with Chinese medicine but cannot visit the surgery in person. Fill in a short questionnaire and attach a photo of your tongue. Within 3 days you will receive an e-mail with a diagnosis according to TCM, recommended herbal mixtures and diet.
This test is intended for all who experience any sleep-related problems and want to deal with them in a more natural way than just by using chemical medicines – i.e. dietary and lifestyle adjustments and herbal products.
This test determines your constitutional (body) type. Based on the evaluation, you will be recommended a suitable and unsuitable diet – overall and according to the season. The test is designed for everyone – healthy and sick, at any age.
TCM test for optimal menstruation
This test is intended for women who experience any period-related problems and want to solve them in a more natural way than just by using synthetic hormones – i.e. dietary adjustments and herbal products.
This test is intended for everyone who has any digestive problems and/or higher weight and would like to actively solve these problems – that is, by adjusting the diet, lifestyle and using herbal products.
TCM test for mental well-being
This test is intended for everyone who has any mental problems (a common occurrence in the modern world) and wants to solve them in a more natural way than just using chemical drugs – that is, by adjusting the diet, lifestyle and using herbal products.
TCM test for stopping headaches
This test is intended for everyone who suffers from any headache and wants to deal with it in a more natural wan than just using chemical drugs – that is, by adjusting the diet, lifestyle and using herbal products.