Endometriosis from TCM view

It is a disease in which the uterine lining (endometrium) occurs outside the uterus, mainly in the pelvic area, e.g., on the ovaries or peritoneum. Endometriosis is most often manifested by painful menstruation, when the pain begins 1-2 days before periods, pain in the rectum and when passing a stool; it is pain shooting up to the thighs, long-term pain in the lower abdomen, pain during sexual intercourse, and sometimes also the presence of blood in the urine. In the case of painful menstruation, when no cause is found, endometriosis should always be considered! It is also a major cause of sterility in women (30–70%) due to loss of ovulation.

From the point of view of Western medicine, the origin of endometriosis is unknown and therefore its treatment does not exist or is limited (until the age of 40) either to the use of obligatory (already known to us) hormonal contraception or to the administration of another male hormone called danazol. It blocks the development of the sex glands or gonads in the pituitary gland and therefore hormones cannot be flushed out of the ovary and the uterine mucosa (endometrium) then disappears as such. With that, however, the ability to procreate and this function of the woman also ceases – this process basically leads to an induced menopause. Not insignificant side effects of this hormonal treatment are temporary loss of menstruation, weight gain, moodiness, depression, migraines, decreased libido, swelling, oily skin, acne, muscle cramps, hot flashes, excessive body hair, breast reduction, coarser voice – in short, a woman is beginning to resemble a man! Already?! Another method of treatment after the age of 40 may be surgery.

From the point of view of TCM, the same applies to the development of endometriosis and its treatment as in previously mentioned fibroids and cysts. It is always a Blood Stasis, whether out of a Deficiency or an Excess. This condition you may imagine as a clogged gutter, which, because of the pressure over the blockage, seeps through the weakened wall of the gutter (uterus) and thus gets out of the defined space.
The most used herbal mixtures are Snowdrifts Full of Hope (code 053) a Wall of Nine Dragons (code 054), sometimes Relief of Carmine River (code 051)Softness of Heavenly Fay (code 052) or Cinnabar Field Emblazement (code 055) are also used.

In case of doubt with the choice of herbal products, we recommend TCM Test Tongue Analysis, which is evaluated by MUDr. Petr Hoffmann and you will receive a recommendation (herbal products and foods) to your e-mail within 3 days.