TCM Herbs Home First Aid Kit

Sometimes situations happen in life when the right tools need to be available IMMEDIATELY. For scouts and campers, it is, e.g., a survival kit, for motorists, basic “recovery” equipment (e.g., a jack with a spare tyre) including a car first aid kit, just like the Red Cross paramedics could not do without a first aid bag.
Similarly, for TCM advocates, it is convenient to have the so-called TCM Herbs Home First Aid Kit at hand. It contains 11 basic herbal products that are essential in case of acute health problems. Especially in these cases, their timely administration is important, since the success of the treatment depends on it. It is true that the sooner a stack of straw is extinguished, the less it will burn up and the less damage the fire will do…
So, good luck in putting out the fire in its infancy!
TCM Herbs Acute Pharmacy®
Magic of First Aid (code 001) – acute attack of external Cold Wind (chills, shivering, headache, stiff neck, watery nasal discharge, back pain)
Cold of Morning Mist (code 002) – acute attack of external Hot Wind (fever, sore throat, thirst, itchy or red skin with rash)
Fragility of Wound Leaf (code 003) – acute attack of Damp Wind (itchy throat, dry cough, painful, red or itchy eyes, allergic eye inflammation, mild fever)
Blowing of Dragon Cave (code 007) – acute attack of external Wind (watery nasal discharge or stuffy nose, sneezing, itchy nose, allergic nasal discharge, sinus or headache)
Shade of Brocade Veil (code 012) – Heat, Humidity and Hot Toxin in Blood (all diseases with signs of inflammation – hotness, redness, soreness, swelling and limitation of function – e.g. tonsillitis)
Cooling of the Cooking Range (code 013) – acute Hot Toxin and Wind in the Blood (the most powerful natural antibiotic, all diseases with signs of inflammation)
Echoes of Himalaya Thunder (code 032) – acute attack of Cold Wind in the Lungs (irritating cough, cough with white-yellow mucus at the beginning of a cold, asthmatic cough, allergic cough with whistling or wheezing)
Sabre of Little Samurai (code 101) – acute infestation of Damp Wind into the Intestines (acute diarrhoea, traveller’s diarrhoea, Salmonella, Shigella, nausea with vomiting, fever, summer viruses)
Persistence of Bamboo Shoot (code 205) – acute Blood Block and QI Stagnation (pain, swelling, limitation of function – all injuries and trauma, sciatica, conditions after any surgery)
Shaolin Oil (code 700) – acute Blood Blockade and QI Stagnation (pain, swelling, limitation of function – all injuries and traumas, sciatica, can be rubbed under the nose for colds, on the chest for coughs)
Beverage of Silver Wind (code 844) – acute attack by external Wind (watery nasal discharge or stuffy nose, sore throat, headache, fever, hives, pollen allergy – allergic discharge from nose or eyes)
Colds, viruses | Mild cold: 007 + 844
Cough: 032 Sore throat, fever: 002 + 012 + 844 Eye inflammation or pain: 003 + 844 Headaches: 001 or 002 + 700 |
Inflammations (any) | 012 + 013 |
Allergies | Eyes: 003 + 844
Nose: 007 + 844 Eyes and nose: 003 + 007 + 844 Asthmatic cough: 032 + 844 Hives, itching of the skin: 002 + 012 + 844 |
Diarrhoea | 101 + 012 |
Injuries, accidents | 205 + 700 |
Big patch for a big hole
Herbs are ALWAYS taken in acute conditions in larger doses. It is true that the sooner and faster the initial fire is extinguished, the less damage it will do – if it catches a straw stack, a bucket of water is not enough… For example, in the case of an incipient virus with fever and a mild cold, it is advisable to choose codes 002 + 007, 5 times 6 to 8 tbl of each + add code 844 – 3 times 4 tbl per day. The doses of herbs are then gradually reduced according to the improving condition.
In case of doubt with the choice of herbal products, we recommend TCM Test Tongue Analysis, which is evaluated by MUDr. Petr Hoffmann and you will receive a recommendation (herbal products and foods) to your e-mail within 3 days.