Influenzas, viral diseases and colds

Influenza and cold with muscle pain, sweating, increased temperature, sore throat (invasion by external hot wind FENG RE XIE QI) – Beverage of Silver Wind (code 844) + Cold of Morning Mist (002) dosed 8 tablets 5 times a day for the first two days (48 hours); when these herbal tablets are taken from the very first day of the disease, the “influenza” condition improves dramatically in an overwhelming majority of cases (approximately 90%). After the condition improves, 4 tablets are taken 5 times a day until full remission of the problems and afterwards 4 tablets are taken 3 times a day for three more days, otherwise the problems are likely to reoccur. If the condition does not improve even after two days, the currently taken herbal tablets are to be supplemented by Birth of the Phoenix (009) or Shade of Brocate Veil (012), of which 4-6 tablets are taken concurrently 5 times a day for further two days.
Afterwards, the condition mostly improves again, or the disease moves deeper – the patient suffers severe pain in the throat, high fever, thirst, night sweating, and the condition deteriorates at night. In such case, Cold of morning mist is discontinued, and the currently taken Shade of Brocate Veil is supplemented by Cooling of the cooking range (013), again in the dose 4-8 tablets taken 5 times a day until the harmful substance is excluded and the problems abate. Instead of Cold of morning mist, children experiencing a milder course of cold may take, at the beginning of the disease, the herbal tablets Fragility of Wound Leaf (003) + Beverage of Silver Wind (code 844), the effects of which are similar to the effects of Cold of morning mist (but are not so intense) and, moreover, may also be used in the event of dry cough occurring at the beginning of a viral disease or conjunctivitis. The children’s dose is mostly half the adult dose, depending on the intensity of problems.
In the event of invasion by the external cold wind FENG HAN XIE QI, the patient experiences sudden headache with contraction of the back of the neck and great sensitivity to cold (only these signs, no sweating, no fever, no sore throat, etc.). In such case, 8 tablets of Pass of the Wind Mountain (004) are taken 5 times a day and, for the sake of a faster and better effect, should be washed down with green tea. They are taken until the first sweating (mostly one day, but no more than two days!) – at that moment we discontinue those tablets because the skin pores have been opened and the harmful substance is being released or has turned into hot wind FENG RE, so at that time we take Cold of Morning Mist (002) + Beverage of Silver Wind (code 844) to complete the treatment.
For each invasion by harmful wind FENG XIE QI, it is appropriate to drink fresh mint tea that can be made from approximately 15 leaves of fresh mint (if we do not have mint grown at home, we can buy some e.g. in the Makro chain of stores all year round); we pour 1 litre of hot water over the mint leaves, let them infuse for approximately 5 minutes, pour the tea to a vacuum flask and drink throughout the day in any quantity.
If any rhinitis (white, thin, yellow, green…) occurs as well, we also add Beverage of Silver Wind (code 844) + Blowing of Dragon Cave (007) dosed 4 tablets 5 times a day, depending on the intensity of problems, with the dosage similar to that in the preceding case.
If cough with phlegm which is white-yellow and thick at the beginning occurs as well, we also add Beverage of Silver Wind (code 844) + Echoes of Himalaya Thunder (032) in the dose identical to the dose of the preceding product. Sometimes, after 2-3 days cough changes and the phlegm is green-yellow and is hard to cough out – in such case, those tablets are to be replaced by the herbal product Scent of Pine Alley (031) + Beverage of Silver Wind (code 844).
In the event of bronchitis we take Anchoring of the Hot-Air Balloon (030) and Cooling of the cooking Range (013) + Beverage of Silver Wind (code 844) when the following signs occur: cough with yellow phlegm, fever, breathlessness, constipation, dry mouth and nose, and sensation of stuffy, blocked nose. The dose is mostly 4–8 tablets of each product taken 5 times a day, and is to be reduced by half after three days and taken until full remission of the problems.
In the event of laryngitis and tracheitis involving sudden dry irritating barking cough (without phlegm), breathlessness, whistling sound in the chest, dry throat and nose, thirst (it is invasion by external dry wind in the presence of heat in the lungs FENG ZAO XIE QI + FEI RE), the herbal tablets Moistering of the Parched Steppe (033) are taken, again in the usual doses depending on the degree of problems – i.e. 4-8 tablets 5 times a day at the beginning, half the dose later. These herbal tablets are often combined and suitably complemented with Fragility of Wound Leaf (003) + Beverage of Silver Wind (code 844).
In the event of rhinitis, either inflectional or allergic, it is recommended to take Beverage of Silver Wind (code 844) and the herbal mixture Blowing of Dragon Cave (code 007), of which 4-8 tablets are to be taken 3-5 times a day, depending on the intensity of problems, and for further three days after the problems disappear, otherwise the problems may reoccur. Together with those tablets, it is also advisable for a person suffering from rhinitis to use Shaolin Oil (code 700) that can be slightly applied under the nose (but not on the mucosa!) and has a very quick effect. Shaolin Oil, just like Blowing of Dragon Cave, remove wind from the area of the nose, thus clearing the nasal airways. Together with those tablets, it is also suitable for a person suffering from rhinitis to eat foods that clear nasal airways and remove wind from the area of the nose, such as tangerines, apricots, bananas, strawberries, beetroot, horseradish, radishes, field mint, cucumbers, chicory, spinach and beans.
Tonsillitis, inflammation of middle ear and nasal cavities
If the original viral disease develops into bacterial inflammation of tonsils (quinsy), middle ear or nasal cavities, the Chinese medicine recommends Beverage of Silver Wind (code 844) and the herbal mixture Birth of the Phoenix (code 009) or Shade of Brocate Veil (code 012) together with Cooling of the Cooking Range (code 013), which are used in China as the natural antibiotics with the strongest effects. They are taken at the beginning again (mostly 4-8 tablets of each mixture 5 times a day for the first two days, half the dose after the condition improves, and 4 tablets of each product 3 times a day for further 3 days after all the problems are over (otherwise the problems are likely to reoccur). Children take half the dose, depending on their age and the degree of problems. The herbs contained in the mixtures remove hot toxin from the blood and cool down the blood, thus reducing the signs of inflammation. They are taken together with other herbal products, e.g. when rhinitis accompanies inflammation of the middle ear and nasal cavities, with the herbal mixture Blowing of Dragon Cave (code 007) or Gentlness of Swan Neck (037) + Beverage of Silver Wind (code 844), etc. Together with those tablets, it is also appropriate to eat foods that remove hot toxin from the blood and cool down the blood, such as muskmelons (yellow ones), watermelons (red ones), fresh cucumbers, iceberg lettuce, green lettuce, fresh chicory, radishes, bananas and grapefruits.
In case of doubt with the choice of herbal products, we recommend TCM Test Tongue Analysis, which is evaluated by Dr. med. Petr Hoffmann and you will receive a recommendation (herbal products and foods) to your e-mail within 3 days.